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  • $1,500.00

    High-quality New by BorgWarner Turbo S400 Detroit S60

    Cross Reference: 167735, 23504966, 23504967, 23504996, 2585833C91, 465695-0001, 465695-0002, 465695-5001, 465695-5002, 465695-9001, 465695-9001S, 465695-9002, 466838-0002, 466838-0004, 466838-0006, 466838-5002, 466838-5004, 466838-5006, 466838-9002, 466838-9004, 466838-9006, 8929507, 8929797, 8929903, R8929797

    Cores must be returned in 45 days in order to collect full core credit. For more information about the core/return policy, please click here.

    Warranty: Twelve (12) months. Check our Warranty policy

    Free Shipping in all orders!

  • $1,450.00

    High-quality New Turbo S400 Detroit S60 12.7L

    Condition: New

    Cross Reference: 1080019R, 169011, 169011R, 1700251017, 170-025-1017, 1700251018, 170-025-1018, 1700700440, 170-070-0440, 23508410, 23508411, 2588536C, 2588536C91, 4669990001, 466999-0001, 4669990002, 466999-0002, 4669995001, 466999-5001, 4669995001S, 466999-5001S, 4669995002, 466999-5002, 4669999001, 466999-9001, 4669999001S, 466999-9001S, 4669999002, 466999-9002, 469011, R23508410, R23508411, SCH 169011, SCH169011, TS169011, TS169011R

    Cores must be returned in 45 days in order to collect full core credit. For more information about the core/return policy, please click here.

    Warranty: Twelve (12) months. Check our Warranty policy

    Free Shipping in all orders!

  • $1,200.00

    High-quality New Turbo 500HP Detroit S60 12.7L

    Condition: New

    Cross Reference: 098TC24137000, 1080006R, 1700250243, 170-025-0243, 1700250969, 170-025-0969, 1700253000, 170-025-3000, 1700700483, 170-070-0483, 171702, 171702N, 171702R, 198074D, 23518588, 23518597, 23523197, 2585838C, 2585838C91, 4667130005, 466713-0005, 4667130006, 466713-0006, 4667135005, 466713-5005, 4667135005S, 466713-5005S, 4667135006, 466713-5006, 466713-5006S, 4667139005, 466713-9005, 4667139005S, 466713-9005S, 4667139006, 466713-9006, 466713-9006S, 471702, BBBD91080006N, D91080006N, DT127002, E23518588, E23518597, E23523197, OTR1080006, R23518588, R23518597, R23523197, T413101, T4131-01, TRA171702, TS171702, TS171702R

    Cores must be returned in 45 days in order to collect full core credit. For more information about the core/return policy, please click here.

    Warranty: Twelve (12) months. Check our Warranty policy

    Free Shipping in all orders!

  • $1,200.00

    High-quality New Turbo Detroit S60 12.7L 430HP

    Condition: New

    Cross Reference: 06RE127335, 098TC21101000, 0R7578, 1080016, 1080016R, 1700251100, 170-025-1100, 172743, 172743N, 199220, 23522188, 23525462, 23528065, 23538521, 500\455, 7020150001, 702015-0001, 7020155001, 702015-5001, 702015-5001S, 7020159001, 702015-9001, 702015-9001S, 7147880001, 714788-0001, 7147880007, 714788-0007, 7147880011, 714788-0011, 7147885001, 714788-5001, 7147885001S, 714788-5001S, 7147885007, 714788-5007, 714788-5007S, 7147885011, 714788-5011, 7147889001, 714788-9001, 7147889001S, 714788-9001S, 7147889007, 714788-9007, 714788-9007S, 7147889011, 714788-9011, 92458R23528065, 92458-R23528065, AP80052, E23525462, E23528065, E23538521, GAR 7147885001S, GAR7147885001S, OTR1080016R, R23522188, R23525462, R23528065, R23538521, RE127335, TRA 7147885001S, TRA7147885001S, TS7020155001, TS702015-5001, TS7020159001R, TS702015-9001R, TS7147885001, TS714788-5001, TS7147889001R

    Cores must be returned in 45 days in order to collect full core credit. For more information about the core/return policy, please click here.

    Warranty: Twelve (12) months. Check our Warranty policy

    Free Shipping in all orders!

  • $2,200.00

    High-quality Reman Turbo Detroit S60 12.7L

    Condition: Remanufactured

    Core deposit: 300.00

    Cross Reference: 1700250091, 170-025-0091, 1700251194, 170-025-1194, 1700251903, 170-025-1903, 198919D, 23533360, 23534355, 23534360, 500\512, 500\522, 7523890001, 752389-0001, 7523890006, 752389-0006, 7523890011, 752389-0011, 7523895001, 752389-5001, 7523895006, 752389-5006, 7523895011, 752389-5011, 7523899001, 752389-9001, 7523899006, 752389-9006, 7523899011, 752389-9011, 7582040001, 758204-0001, 7582040006, 758204-0006, 7582045001, 758204-5001, 7582045006, 758204-5006, 7582045006S, 758204-5006S, 7582049001, 758204-9001, 7582049006, 758204-9006, 7582049006S, 758204-9006S, AP80053, E23533360, E23534355, E23534360, R23533360, R23534355, R23534360, TS7523895001, TS752389-5001, TS7523899001R, TS752389-9001R, TS7582045001, TS758204-5001, TS7582045006, TS758204-5006, TS7582049001R, TS758204-9001R, TS7582049006R, TS758204-9006R

    Cores must be returned in 45 days in order to collect full core credit. For more information about the core/return policy, please click here.

    Warranty: Twelve (12) months. Check our Warranty policy

    Free Shipping in all orders!

  • $800.00

    High-quality New outright dap diesel turbo for Detroit GTA4294

    Cross-Reference: 06RE127335, 098TC21101000, 0R7578, 1700251100, 170-025-1100, 170 025 1100, 172743, 199220, 23522188, 23525462, 23528065, 23538521, 500\455, 500455, 500-455, 500 455, 7020150001, 702015-0001, 702015 0001, 7020155001, 702015-5001, 702015 5001, 702015-5001S, 702015 5001S, 7020155001S, 7020159001, 702015-9001, 702015 9001,  702015-9001S, 7020159001S, 702015 9001S, 7147880001, 714788-0001, 714788 0001, 7147880007, 714788-0007, 714788 0007, 7147880011, 714788-0011, 714788 0011, 7147885001, 714788-5001, 714788 5001, 7147885001S, 714788-5001S, 714788 5001S, 7147885007, 714788-5007, 714788 5007, 7147885007S, 714788-5007S, 714788 5007S, 7147885011, 714788-5011, 714788 5011, 7147889001, 714788-9001, 714788 9001, 7147889001S, 714788-9001S, 714788 9001S, 7147889007, 714788-9007, 714788 9007, 7147889007S, 714788-9007S, 714788 9007S, 7147889011, 714788-9011, 714788 9011, 92458R23528065, 92458-R23528065, 92458 R23528065, AP80052, E23525462, E23528065, E23538521, R23522188, R23525462, R23528065, R23538521, RE127335, TRA 7147885001S, TRA7147885001S, TRA-7147885001S, TS7020155001, TS702015-5001, TS702015 5001, TS7020159001R, TS702015-9001R, TS702015 9001R, TS7147885001, TS714788-5001, TS714788 5001, TS7147889001R, TS714788-9001R, TS714788 9001R

    Condition: New

    Warranty: Twelve (12) months. Check our Warranty policy


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